The Lost City of Z (2016)
The Lost City of Z
Pada awal abad ke-20, penjelajah Inggris Percy Fawcett melakukan perjalanan ke Amazon, di mana ia menemukan bukti peradaban maju yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui yang mungkin pernah menghuni wilayah tersebut. Meskipun diejek oleh lembaga ilmiah, yang memandang penduduk asli sebagai biadab, Fawcett yang gigih, didukung oleh istri, putra, dan ajudannya yang setia, kembali ke hutan kesayangannya dalam upaya untuk membuktikan kasusnya.
Sinopsis from IMDB
At the dawn of the 20th century, British explorer Percy Fawcett journeys into the Amazon, where he discovers evidence of a previously unknown, advanced civilization that may have once inhabited the region. Despite being ridiculed by the scientific establishment, which views indigenous populations as savages, the determined Fawcett, supported by his devoted wife, son, and aide-de-camp, returns to his beloved jungle in an attempt to prove his case.
Views: 75
Genre: Adventure, Drama, History
Director: James Gray, Morag Cameron
Actors: Angus Macfadyen, Charlie Hunnam, Clive Francis, Edward Ashley, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, Tom Holland
Country: United States