Zombex (2013)
ZOMBEX – menceritakan kisah New Orleans pasca-Katrina yang menghadapi bencana baru, kiamat zombie. Penduduk NOLA tidak lagi mengalami depresi dan stres pasca trauma akibat trauma badai, berkat ZOMBEX yang revolusioner – obat antidepresan nakal namun “terbukti secara klinis” yang diproduksi oleh organisasi jahat. Bagi mereka yang menyebut Big Easy sebagai rumah mereka, segalanya kini berbalik bagi mereka. Atau, mungkinkah itu hanya karena narkoba, ZOMBEX, yang berbicara… Saat keadaan kota dan penduduknya berbalik, mereka sekali lagi harus menghadapi bencana yang sangat besar. Hanya saja kali ini, mereka menghadapi kemungkinan kehilangan penduduk New Orleans saat mereka berubah menjadi kota yang mati berjalan…
Sinopsis from IMDb
Tells the story of a post-Katrina New Orleans as it deals with a new disaster, a zombie apocalypse. NOLA residents are no longer experiencing the depression and post-traumatic stress due to the trauma of the hurricane, thanks to the revolutionary ZOMBEX – a rogue, yet, “clinically-proven” anti-depressant pharmaceutical manufactured by a nefarious organization. For those who call the Big Easy their home, everything is just now turning around for them. Or, could it just be the drug, ZOMBEX, talking… Just as things are turning around for the city and its people, they once again must face a disaster of epic proportions. Only this time, they’re dealing with the prospect of losing the people of New Orleans as they turn into the city’s walking dead…
Views: 114
Director: Jesse Dayton
Actors: Corey Feldman, David Christopher, Emily Kaye, John Doe, Lew Temple, Malcolm McDowell, Sid Haig
Country: United States, USA