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The Amityville Moon (2021)
The Amityville Moon – Ketika Alyssa dan Karla mencoba melarikan diri dari rumah gereja yang menahan mereka, Karla dibantai oleh makhluk semi-manusia yang kejam. Setelah Detektif Kimball melacak Alyssa di bar pengendara motor yang gaduh, dia memberi tahu Kimball bahwa narapidana wanita menghilang setiap bulan purnama, dan menunjukkan kepadanya peluru perak di senjatanya. Sekarang keduanya harus kembali ke rumah singgah untuk menghadapi pendeta dan biarawati—dan si jahat yang menggeram dan biadab—yang berdiam di dalamnya.
Sinopsis from IMDB
As Alyssa and Karla try to escape from the church home that holds them captive, Karla is slaughtered by a vicious, semi-human creature. After Detective Kimball tracks down Alyssa at a rowdy biker bar, she tells Kimball that women inmates disappear every full moon, and shows him the silver bullets in her gun. Now the two must return to the halfway house to confront the priest and nuns—and the snarling, savage evil—that dwell within.
Views: 113
Genre: Horror
Director: Thomas J. Churchill
Actors: Alex Rinehart, Cody Renee Cameron, David B. Meadows, Michael Gaglio, Trey McCurley, Tuesday Knight
Country: United States