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The Devil’s Left Hand (2023)
The Devil’s Left Hand – Entitas Iblis membobol Medium di pesta pindah rumah pasangan muda, menimbulkan kekacauan dan menakuti para hadirin. Setelah pesta, entitas mulai mengintai para tamu. Mereka berusaha melawan, tapi tidak tahu siapa yang bisa mereka percayai karena Iblis bisa berubah bentuk dan tampak seperti siapa saja. Taruhannya semakin tinggi ketika Iblis mulai membunuh mereka, satu per satu.
Sinopsis from IMDb
A Demonic entity breaches a Medium at a young couple’s housewarming party, wreaking havoc and terrifying the attendees. After the party, the entity begins stalking the guests. They attempt to fight back, but don’t know who they can trust as the Demon can shape-shift and appear to be anyone. The stakes grow higher when the Demon begins killing them, one by one.
Views: 252
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Harley Wallen
Actors: Angelina Danielle Cama, Aphrodite Nikolovski, Harley Wallen, Kaiti Wallen, Laurene Landon, Yan Birch
Country: United States