Children of Sin (2022)
Children of Sin – Ketika ayah tiri Emma yang kejam mengetahui bahwa dia hamil dan saudara laki-lakinya Jackson adalah gay, dia mengirim mereka ke Abraham House, retret keagamaan bagi orang dewasa muda untuk memperbaiki cara dosa mereka. Segera, mereka mulai curiga bahwa Rumah Abraham memiliki cara yang lebih jahat untuk membersihkan jiwa mereka daripada yang pernah mereka bayangkan.
Sinopsis from IMDB
When Emma’s abusive stepfather finds out that she’s pregnant and her brother Jackson is gay, he sends them to Abraham House, a religious retreat for young adults to correct their sinning ways. Soon, they start to suspect that Abraham House has a more sinister way of cleansing their souls than they could have ever imagined.
Views: 88
Genre: Horror
Director: Christopher Wesley Moore
Actors: Ana-Claire Henley, Cami Roebuck, Jacob Thomas, Jeff Buchwald, Jo-Ann Robinson, Keni Bounds, Lewis Hines, Meredith Mohler
Country: United States