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The Institute (2022)
The Institute – Pasangan muda yang putus asa untuk memiliki anak memulai perawatan di fasilitas terpencil dokter terkenal. Danny dan Marie berharap ketika aplikasi terakhir mereka untuk “Lands Institute” eksklusif diterima. Mereka dimanjakan saat mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan rejimen terapi mereka yang mencakup “obat homeopati” unik dari Dokter. Mereka lupa waktu karena efek samping psikologis mulai mengubah persepsi mereka tentang apa yang terjadi di institut.
Sinopsis from IMDB
A young couple desperate to have a child begins treatment at a renowned doctor’s secluded facility. Danny and Marie are hopeful when their last ditch application for the exclusive “Lands Institute” is accepted. They are pampered as they settle into their therapeutic regimen which includes the Doctors unique “homeopathic remedies”. They lose track of time as psychological side effects begin to warp their perceptions of what is happening at the institute.
Views: 120
Director: Hamza Zaman
Actors: Benjamin Curns, Claire McClain, Hamza Zaman, Ignacyo Matynia, Jarred Harper, John Easterlin, Joy Donze, Mark Lobene, Richard Nwaoko, Victorya Brandart
Country: United States